Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Health, Physical Education and Recreation


This project surrounds my experience as a teacher at Outlook. Outlook is an organization in Nebraska that creates opportunities for people with visual impairment. Outlook does this by adaptive technology, recreational programs, cultural experiences, and employment opportunities (Outlook Nebraska).

Throughout the semester, I have been teaching workout classes with three of my other classmates. This project will provide a short background of visually impaired people in sports as well as walk through the steps I have had to take to become a better teacher.

The methods section will cover how my group completed the fitness testing. It will also explain how the workouts were written and provide examples of workouts.

The results section will highlight the results from two of the women we fitness tested.

This will provide a quantitative analysis of the progress made over the semester. The discussion and conclusion will be a reflective piece on how the semester went as well as things that could have been done differently.

Available for download on Tuesday, January 20, 3024
