Community Engagement | University of Nebraska at Omaha Research | DigitalCommons@UNO

Community engagement and service are fundamental to UNO’s identity. This is reflected through curricular and co-curricular engagement, research by faculty and students that involves and supports our local, regional, national, and global communities

The Institutional CE Framework collection includes documentation of UNO’s status as an engaged/metropolitan institution.

Curricular (or academic) engagement reflects the scholarship and partnerships connected to learning and teaching.

Co-curricular (or non-academic) engagement reflects service and volunteerism on or off campus.

The Scholarship of Engagement (or community-based research) categorizes publications by faculty through rigor, discipline-related expertise, community significance, and innovation.

The Barbara A. Holland collection for Service Learning and Community Engagement (SLCE) is both uniquely retrospective and comprehensive, offering the world's largest physical collection in the field. This internationally important collection features digital derivatives of materials originally collected by the National Service Learning Clearinghouse (NSLC) including: engagement research in higher education, K-12 schools, the community-based organization sector and Tribal Nations. The digital materials from the Barbara A. Holland collection are available, here.


Browse the Community Engagement Collections:

Institutional Community Engagement Framework

Community Engagement Outreach & Communications

Scholarship of Metropolitan Mission

Community Engagement Spotlights