"How an Arts-Based Clinical Skills Set Can Be Assessed During OSCEs" by Mark A. Gilbert, Leanne Picketts et al.

How an Arts-Based Clinical Skills Set Can Be Assessed During OSCEs

Author ORCID Identifier

Gilbert https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5713-0664

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AMA Journal of Ethics






Background: Arts-based activities’ roles in medical education is to challenge students to cultivate clinical skills using ART (aesthetics, reflection, time). ART activities offer opportunities for students to cultivate creative dimensions of their clinical skills and to reflect on their responses to uncertainty and ambiguity. Faculty, however, are challenged to structure these learning activities in diverse, sometimes unfamiliar, health care settings.

Methods: This study explored preclerkship medical students’ responses to participating in ART activities presented in the common medical educational format of an objective structured clinical exam (OSCE). Activities included interpreting fine art (eg, images and poetry) and drawing a simulated patient. The discussion section transcript and student sketchbooks were analyzed to identify themes related to participating in the study.

Results: Use of arts-based activities elicited behaviors similar to those observed in students’ responses to formal summative OSCEs, although students also wrestled with challenges and expressed their subjective impressions.

Conclusions: This study offers an arts-based tool set capable of being delivered within the familiar medical education setting and established structure of the OSCE.


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