"Ladies and Gentlemen Start Your Engines: 2017 Election is Now" by Preston Love Jr.

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North Omaha, once again I am disappointed in our ability to see how important our vote is. We like other black communities around the country did not vote in numbers high enough to ward off the Trump vote and as a result we got Trump as the President of the US. For the last weeks we are now seeing the effects of our lack of recognition of the importance of our National and State elections. It should be noted that part of the blame for a reduced black voter turnout is the continued and increased voter suppression efforts by Republicans all over the country. Voter ID requirements, reduced polling places in our community to induce long lines and inconveniences. That being said, Trump’s rise to the Presidency is partly our fault for not voting. In Douglas County we lost the opportunity to keep Brad Ashford as our congressman and we lost the opportunity to give Hillary Clinton an electoral vote from Nebraska.


This article was originally published on 4urban.org.
