"Letters from North Omaha" by Preston Love Jr.

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Dear Senator Ben Sasse,

Many voters in 2014 voted for your opponent Dave Domina, I was his deputy campaign manager. Once elected I expected that the communities and voters throughout Nebraska would be respected and their needs evaluated and some degree of dialogue. We are real, we are Nebraskans and have expectations of our elected officials. I am a resident and advocate for north Omaha. We have needs related to poverty, jobs, economic development, healthcare, home ownership, and more. To my knowledge there are no initiatives, no dialogue, nothing.

Additionally, it appears that there is no diversity on your senate staffs in Nebraska, that diversity can be a basis for understanding the needs of the diverse communities in Nebraska.

Your disrespectful lack of no visual or verbal reaction to Bill Maher racial remarks is no surprise. I urge you to represent all Nebraska in your service.


This article was originally published on 4urban.org.
