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Du Laney -

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In these increasingly post-pandemic and budgetary times, we at Archives and Special Collections are exploring dynamic ways of engaging audiences with our collection materials using resources, ie hardware and software that we have already or will require minimal costs.

One example of this, and the project I will be sharing about today, is an interactive exhibit of one of our collections that we display selected materials from on a large touch screen monitor located right outside the Archives and Special Collections department on the first floor of Criss Library.

In this presentation I will trace the history of how I attempted to create this highly interactive exhibit for which we have the hardware to accomplish but lack the software.


Exhibits and Events Committee (E2) of the SAA Reference, Access and Outreach Section

PowerPoint presentation is attached as an additional file.

202404 Du Laney E2 SAA RAO Presentation.pptx (366885 kB)
PowerPoint Version with Script

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