"11,000,000 Words: An Avalanche of Academic Archive Photos at K-State a" by Heidi Blackburn, Pam Bower et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Institutional archives have always provided a sense of history and unity for most universities. This is especially emphasized for the K-State at Salina photographic collection. The school has gone through four different name changes in the last fifty years and the library has amassed an ove1whelming assortment of photographs documenting various events on campus, from groundbreaking ceremonies to student social occasions. With an estimated total of over 11 ,000 unlabeled photographs, the K -State at Salina librarians have worked hard to begin the process of providing the university community with a useful resource for historical research in the future. Using a variety of methods, both digital and face-to-face, to identify the photos' events and participants, the librarians have sorted a small portion of the photographs thus far and plan to create a finding aid in the future. Come learn about this unique project if your own archives project has been on the back burner and you're looking for some tips on how (and how not!) to get started.


Presented at Brick & Clink: An Academic Library Symposium, November 6, 2009, Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri.
