"Civic Action and the Library" by Tammi M. Owens

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1. Civic Action and the Library Tammi Owens Emerging Services Librarian Winona State University Darrell W. Krueger Library CLASP Lecture Series March 26, 2014

2. Collection Space People

3. Libraries Connect thinkers & doers with ideas using collections, spaces, and people.

4. Libraries Must strive to provide strength to our communities.

5. Collection Space People

6. Collection Space People

7. Collection Space People

8. Information literate Being able to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.”

9. Information literacy combines a repertoire of abilities, practices, and dispositions focused on expanding one’s understanding of the information ecosystem, with the proficiencies of finding, using and analyzing information, scholarship, and data to answer questions, develop new ones, and create new knowledge, through ethical participation in communities of learning and scholarship.

10. Collection Space People

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