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Conference Proceeding
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Research collaboration has become increasingly global, as collaboration technologies continue to advance and as research problems become more interdisciplinary and global. Virtual research teams have processes and challenges that are unique from a typical virtual team, and we need a better understanding of how such teams can utilize virtual research environments to their advantage. We examine this question from a review of the relevant literature and an analysis of experiences and reflections from a doctoral seminar that studied and experienced the process of virtual research collaboration.
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Arora, Vipin; Khazanchi, Deepak; Munkvold, Bjørn Erik; Owens, Dawn; Stendal, Karen; Tarrell, Alvin; Wale-Kolade, Adeola; Westin, Sofi; and Zigurs, Ilze, "Discontinuities and Best Practices in Virtual Research Collaboration" (2012). Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis Faculty Proceedings & Presentations. 1.
Published in the Proceedings of the 7th Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference.
Excerpted from Arora, V., Khazanchi, D., Munkvold, B.E., Owens, D., Stendal, K., Tarrell, A., Wale-Kolade, A., Westin, S. and Zigurs, I. (2012, May 18-19). “Discontinuities and Best Practices in Virtual Research Collaboration.” Proceedings of the 7th Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference. Paper 26., © 2012. Used with permission from Association for Information Systems, Atlanta, GA; 404-413-7444; All rights reserved.