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Conference Proceeding

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Emerging economies, in particular China, are powering growth in Asia. While China is seen to lead growth in the emerging markets of Asia, 98% of its manufacturing and production base is powered by small businesses. These businesses represent the majority of all businesses in emerging countries and the growth of these businesses increases with their successful adoption of Information Technology. This paper uses a well-known model in Information Systems Adoption to analyze ICT usage, the effect ICT usage and human capital in the development of the small businesses in China. The reason this model is used is to find out which variables, if any, hold in the case of small businesses in China. As very little research has been done in the IS literature of ICT adoption in small businesses in China, this paper adds to what is known about the role of human capital in ICT adoption for development in China. This paper makes a contribution to the IS acceptance and global development literature by providing concepts that enable IS researchers to study ICT adoption in China.


Published in Proceedings of SIG GlobDev Sixth Annual Workshop, Milano, Italy, December 14, 2013.

© 2013 Association for Information Systems. This conference proceeding was originally published here: