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Conference Proceeding

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Emerging economies appear to be powering growth in their regions. While China is seen to lead growth in the emerging markets of Asia, 98% of its manufacturing and production base is powered by small businesses. These businesses represent the majority of all businesses in emerging countries and their growth increases with their successful adoption of Information Technology. As the driving force behind the economic growth of China, Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) are shaping the ways in which small businesses are able to grow. The majority of current research into the user acceptance and adoption of ICTs focusses on the perceptions of users in large organizations often in developed countries. Since the growth of an emerging economy such as China is being powered by ICTs, this paper investigates what factors affect the acceptance of ICTs by small business owners in two provinces in China. Following an analysis of data collected from small business in a high growth province and a largely rural province, this paper arrives at a set of factors that affect the acceptance of ICT in China and their outcomes on small business development. Further research is being conducted into the outcomes of acceptance on development.


Published in Proceedings of the Nineteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Chicago, Illinois, August 15-17, 2013.

© 2013 Association for Information Systems. This conference proceeding was originally published here: