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Evidence-Based Nebraska

Recognizing that unnecessary formal involvement in the juvenile justice system may be contrary to the best interests and well-being of juveniles, the state of Nebraska established funds through the Community-based Juvenile Services Aid (CBA) Program for counties and tribes to use for developing programs and services (Neb. Rev. Stat. § 43-2404.02). The purpose of the CBA fund is to assist counties with developing intervention and prevention activities “designed to serve juveniles and deter involvement in the formal juvenile justice system” (Neb. Rev. Stat. § 43-2404.02 (b)). A total of 71 counties and two tribes in Nebraska received funding in fiscal year 2016-2017 (FY 16/17). In some instances, counties join multi-county groups with a single lead county that manages the grant. In FY 16/17 there were 10 multi-county groups. During this time, there were approximately 243 CBA-funded programs (including system improvement programs that do not work directly with youth); however, the number of programs may fluctuate throughout the year due to subgrant adjustments, carry over funds from the previous year, or late program registration.

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