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The goal of Nebraska’s 2015 – 2020 Strategic Plan for Victims and Survivors of Crime (NSPVSC) is to provide recommendations to permanently improve and enhance services available to all victims of crime in Nebraska. The University of Nebraska Omaha, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Juvenile Justice Institute began the comprehensive planning process in March 2015. In the nine months that followed, we received input from many individuals and agencies serving victims of crime in the state of Nebraska. To collect feedback, we held focus groups, attended individual meetings, surveyed agencies, surveyed victims, spoke on the phone with advocates, and met with administrators. The intent of this process was to listen closely to the people who work directly with victims and survivors day in and day out, to answer the question “How can Nebraska better serve victims and survivors of crime in the state?” Based on focus groups and individual meetings, six priority areas were identified: 1. Sexual assault 2. Domestic violence 3. Child abuse, neglect and sexual assault 4. Human trafficking 5. Stalking 6. Assault and other crimes For each priority area, the NSPVSC includes data, recent and current efforts in Nebraska, current issues, and recommendations based on those issues. In many of the forthcoming chapters, we note that quality victim advocacy requires the collaboration of multi systems and cross disciplinary professions. Nebraska’s victim services must be structured in such a way that they augment one another and work together collaboratively. To this end, we begin with an overarching recommendation that Nebraska develop a statewide Victim Advocacy Office, with oversight of victim-focused agencies, related funding streams, and associated data collection across Nebraska.

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