The National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center (NCITE), based at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, aims to be the nation’s leading academic center for the study of emerging and novel terrorism threats. Funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the NCITE consortium includes more than 50 researchers at partner institutions across the U.S. and Europe.


Submissions from 2025


Dismantling Domestic Terrorism Through Prosecutions: A Case Study of Atomwaffen Division, Seamus Hughes, Brooke Buxton, Camden Carmichael, and Mackenzie Harms


Trends in Terrorism Recruitment: Examining Recruitment Patterns among 250 Armed Groups using Terrorism, Evan Perkoski, Meredith Maloof Loken, and Alec Worsnop


Empowering Families to Prevent Violent Extremism, Karyn Sporer

Submissions from 2024


Understanding Insider Threats: Learning from Related Research Streams, Matthew Allen, Kat Parsons, Tin L. Nguyen, and Lauren Zimmerman


TVTP Grant Program Formative and Outcome Evaluation Report, Matt Allen, Andrea Walker, Nicholas J. Arreola, Daniel Cook, Jeffrey Jones, Alice Jurkiewicz, Cynthia Kennedy, Charlie Maas, Erin G. Pleggenkuhle-Miles, Sydney Reichin, Noah Turner, Elle Ward, and John Wonderlich


Behind the curve: technology challenges facing the homeland intelligence and counterterrorism workforce, Michelle Black, Lana Obradovic, and Deanna House


Behind the curve: technology challenges facing the homeland intelligence and counterterrorism workforce, Michelle Black, Lana Obradovic, and Deanna House


Physical security culture: The neglected foundation for effective security, Kelsey Ciagala, Sydney L. Reichin, Kat Parsons, and Samuel T. Hunter


Examining Artificial Intelligence and its Role in Malevolent Creativity and Innovation: How AI Can Enhance Novel Threats and Attacks, Alexis L. d'Amato, Madison Scott, Emma Theobald, Averie E. Linnell, Joel Elson, Sam T. Hunter, and Jack Rygg


Research Challenges in Combating Terrorists Use of Explosives in the United States – 2024: Key Science and Technology Contributions, Austin C. Doctor


Understanding Terrorist Use of Explosives in the United States, Austin C. Doctor, Angie Benda, and Lauren Moss


Research Challenges in Combating Terrorist Use of Explosives in the United States 2024, Austin C. Doctor, Samuel T. Hunter, Gina Scott Ligon, Gary Wes Carter, Dan Polanski, and Jimmie Oxley


Innovation in Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention: Final Closeout Report, Joel Elson and Erin M. Kearns


Innovation in Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention: Phase II Summary Report, Joel Elson and Erin M. Kearns


The Drivers and Consequences of Child Recruitment by Violent Non-State Actors, Chris Faulkner, Evan Perkoski, Alec Worsnop, and Meredith Maloof Loken


The Professional and Educational Backgrounds within Non-State Actors, Patrick Finnegan, Evan Perkoski, Alec Worsnop, and Meredith Maloof Loken


Advancements in the Connection Between Unmanned Systems (UxS) and Geospatial Technologies, Abie Harder, Ryan Vilter, and Austin C. Doctor


Soft Target Security: Examining the Need and Readiness for Sector-Specific Standards, Jennifer Hesterman, Sam T. Hunter, Katherine Parsons, Kelsey Ciagala, and Sydney L. Reichin


Snapshot of U.S. Federal Cases Against Violent Incels, Seamus Hughes and Camden Carmichael


Snapshot of U.S. Federal Cases Against Violent QAnon Adherents, Seamus Hughes, Camden Carmichael, and Clara Braun


The Metaverse as a Future Threat Landscape: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Sam T. Hunter, Alexis L. d'Amato, Joel Elson, Austin C. Doctor, and Averie E. Linnell


Overview of Threat and Risk Assessment Measurement: A State of the Science Review, Samuel Hunter, Katherine Parsons, Kelsey Ciagala, Sydney L. Reichin, Matthew T. Allen, Erin M. Kearns, Austin C. Doctor, and Joel Elson


Threat and Risk Assessment Measurement: A State of the Science Review, Samuel Hunter, Katherine Parsons, Kelsey Ciagala, Sydney L. Reichin, Matt Allen, Erin M. Kearns, Austin C. Doctor, and Joel Elson


Women’s Recruitment into Violent Non-State Actors, Amira Jadoon, Evan Perkoski, Alec Worsnop, and Meredith Maloof Loken


Messaging Matters: How Extremists Influence Followers Online, Matthew Jensen, Shane Connelly, Hairong Song, Ares Boira Lopez, Joseph Stewart, and Cecelia F. Gordon


Screening for Insider Threats in US Law Enforcement: A National Sample of Department Policies and Practices Plain Language Summary, Erin M. Kearns, Sadaf Hashimi, Jessica Huff, Justin Nix, and Natalie Cotton


Screening for Insider Threats in US Law Enforcement: A National Sample of Department Policies and Practices Self-Assessment Toolkit, Erin M. Kearns, Sadaf Hashimi, Jessica Huff, Justin Nix, and Natalie Cotton


Screening for Insider Threats in US Law Enforcement: A National Sample of Department Policies and Practices State of Practice Guide, Erin M. Kearns, Sadaf Hashimi, Jessica Huff, Justin Nix, and Natalie Cotton


Review of Publicly Accessible Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Program Guides, Erin M. Kearns, Callie Vitro, and Sarah Schappert


How Religion Shapes the Recruitment Strategies and Behavior of Violent Non-State Actors, Jason Klocek, Evan Perkoski, Alec Worsnop, and Meredith Maloof Loken


One Year Later: The Impact of the Oct. 7 Attack in the United States, Gina Scott Ligon, Mackenzie Harms, Erin Grace, and Blake Ursch


The Needs and Barriers Associated with Publicly Available Datasets on Domestic Terrorism: A Survey of Counterterrorism Analysts, Michael Logan and Steven Windisch


Vicarious Trauma in Counterterrorism Practitioners, Daisy Muibu, Joseph Young, Michael Becker, Sarah Lynch, Ethan Ferguson, and Lindsay Barclay


National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center Annual Report 2023-2024, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Program Capabilities: Plain Language Summary, Tin L. Nguyen, Mario J. Scalora, and Denise Bulling


Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Programs: Practitioner-Informed Baseline Capabilities, Tin L. Nguyen, Mario J. Scalora, and Denise Bulling


Terrorist Recruitment Profile Somalia, Evan Perkoski, Meredith Maloof Loken, and Alec Worsnop


Terrorist Recruitment Narratives: Key Themes from Expert Reports, Evan Perkoski, Alec Worsnop, and Meredith Maloof Loken


Summary Report: Examining Soft Target Vulnerability Assessments, Sydney L. Reichin, Kat Parsons, Kelsey Ciagala, and Sam T. Hunter


Advancements in the Connection Between Internet of Things (IoT) and Geospatial Technologies, Madeline Romm


Preventing U.S. Election Violence: Countering the Harmful Effects of Election Conspiracy Theories, Bettina Rottweiler, Isabelle van der Vegt, and Paul Gill


Advancements in Open-Source Geospatial Technologies and the Exploitation by Bad Actors, Megan Rutter


Operational Components Related to the Development, Implementation, and Sustainability of Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Programs, Mario J. Scalora and Denise Bulling


Impact Assessment: National Security Simulation Course at Duke University, David Schanzer, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, and Jessica Sperling


Pixels and Propaganda: A Primer on Gaming, Gaming-Adjacent Platforms, and Extremism, Madison Scott, Emma Theobald, Alexis L. d'Amato, Joel Elson, and Samuel T. Hunter


A Directory of Threat Assessment Models, Amber Seaward, Zoe Marchment, and Paul Gill


Understanding Threats to Public Officials, Peter Simi, Christopher Bader, and Seamus Hughes


Recognizing and Getting Help for Extremist Behavior: A Guide for Families, Karyn Sporer, Brooke Buxton, and Nicholas Brown


Cyber Red Lines: Government Responses to Cyberattacks on Critical Infrastructure, Denise L. Tennant, Louis Nolan, and Deanna House


Ideology, Recruitment, and Armed Group Violence, Kai Thaler and Evan Perkoski


The Relationship Between Language Use and Conspiracy Beliefs, Isabelle van der Vegt, Bettina Rottweiler, and Paul Gill


Data Snapshot: The Consequences of "True Threats" Among Local Election Officials, Steven Windisch


Guardians of the Ballot Box: Addressing Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities and Privacy Concerns for Local Election Officials in Digital Spaces, Steven Windisch; Adrienne Brookstein; Steven Chen; Adan Vela; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center

Submissions from 2023


Examining Best Practices in Threat Assessment from an Insider Threat Perspective, Matt Allen, Katherine Parsons, Tin L. Nguyen, and Lauren Zimmerman


Financing Violent Extremism: An Examination of Maligned Creativity in the Use of Financial Technologies, Marc-Andre Argentino; Jessica Davis; Tore Refslund Hamming; National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center; and International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation


The Death of Bilal al-Sudani and Its Impact on Islamic State Operations, Tricia Bacon and Austin C. Doctor


Vicarious Trauma via the Observation of Extremist Atrocities: A Rapid Evidence Assessment, Matthew Crayne and Neil Shortland


Psychological Trauma in Terrorism (PT2R): Phase 1 End of Year Report, Matthew Crayne; Neil Shortland; Jennifer L. Mezzapelle; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Transnational Ties Between Selected U.S. and Foreign Violent Extremist Actors: Evidence from the Mapping Militants Project, Martha Crenshaw; Kaitlyn Robinson; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Creativity training needs assessment for homeland security enterprise: a case for creative thinking, Alexis L. d'Amato and Samuel T. Hunter


Militant Leadership and Terrorism in Armed Conflict, Austin C. Doctor, Samuel T. Hunter, and Gina Scott Ligon


Reintegration of Foreign Terrorist Fighter Families: A Framework of Best Practices for the U.S., Austin C. Doctor; Haroro J. Ingram; Devorah Margolin; Andrew Mines; Lorenzo Vidino; National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center; and Program on Extremism, George Washington University


Innovation in Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention: Phase 1 Summary Report, Joel Elson and Erin M. Kearns


Knowledge Gaps in Reporting, Joel Elson and Erin M. Kearns


Reporting Form Construction, Joel Elson and Erin M. Kearns


Threat Assessment Team Cohesion, Joel Elson and Erin M. Kearns


Understanding and Applying SAR to Ideological and Nation- State-Sponsored Cybercrimes, Thomas J. Holt; Steve Chermak; Joshua D. Freilich; Emily Greene-Colozzi; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Applying Normal Accident Theory to Ideological and Nation-State-Sponsored Cybercrimes, Thomas J. Holt and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


GW Extremism Tracker: Oath Keepers, Seamus Hughes


GW Extremism Tracker: Terrorism in the United States, Seamus Hughes


GW Extremism Tracker: The Islamic State in America, Seamus Hughes


Equifinality and the Key Role it Plays in Understanding the Future of Leadership, Sam T. Hunter, Austin C. Doctor, Matthew Allen, and Gina Scott Ligon


Messaging Matters: Ideological Influence Online Year 3 Final Report, Matthew L. Jensen; Shane Connelly; Shaila Miranda; Hairong Song; Ares Boira Lopez; Cecilia Gordon; Joseph Stewart; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Founding Fathers of the Modern American Neo-Nazi Movement: The Impacts and Legacies of Louis Beam, William Luther Pierce, and James Mason, Jon Lewis; Haroro J. Ingram; National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center; and Program on Extremism, George Washington University


The Needs of the Counterterrorism Workforce: The Availability and Utility of Datasets on Domestic Terrorism and Targeted Violence, Michael Logan, Steven Windisch, and Adrienne Brookstein


Trends in the Return and Prosecution of ISIS Foreign Terrorist Fighters in the United States, Tanya Mehra, Merlina Herbach, Devorah Margolin, and Austin C. Doctor


The Age of Incoherence? Understanding Mixed and Unclear Ideology Extremism, Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens; Moustafa Ayad; Program on Extremism, George Washington University; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Maintaining the Movement: ISIS Outreach to Westerners in the Post-Caliphate Era, Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens; Julien Bellaiche; Program on Extremism, The George Washington University; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Malicious Insider Threats: An Overview, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


NCITE Annual Report 2022-2023, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Advancing an Organizational Health Perspective for Insider Threat Prevention and Management, Tin L. Nguyen, Matthew T. Allen, and Kat Parsons


Malevolent Creativity as Parochial Altruism? Examining the Intergroup Bases of New and Harmful Ideas, Tin L. Nguyen, Alexis L. d'Amato, Scarlett Miller, and Samuel T. Hunter


GW Extremism Tracker: The Proud Boys, Program on Extremism, George Washington University and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Militant Splinter Groups and the Use of Violence, Kaitlyn Robinson and Iris Malone


Countering Far-Right Anti-Government Extremism in the United States, Kaitlyn Robinson, Iris Malone, and Martha Crenshaw


Understanding Threats to Public Officials, Peter Simi and Seamus Hughes


Facilitating Suspicious Activity Reporting at the Community Level, Karyn Sporer and Brooke Buxton


Prevention Program Sustainability and Associated Determinants: A Literature Review, Version 1.0, Andrea Walker, Sarah Steele, Matt Allen, and Nicholas J. Arreola

Submissions from 2022


Imitators or Innovators? Comparing Salafi-Jihadist and White Supremacist Attack Planning in the United States, Bennett Clifford; Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens; Program on Extremism, George Washington University; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Women in American Violent Extremism: An Examination of Far-Right and Salafi-Jihadist Movements, Chelsea Daymon; Devorah Margolin; Program on Extremism, George Washington University; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Hezbollah's Operations and Networks in the United States: Two Decades in Reviews, Anyssia S. Kokinos; Nakissa P. Jahanbani; Jon Lewis; Devorah Margolin; Program on Extremism, George Washington University; National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center; and Combating Terrorism Center at West Point


Mayhem, Murder, and Misdirection: Violent Extremist Attack Plots Against Critical Infrastructure in the United States, 2016-2022, Ilana Krill; Bennett Clifford; Program on Extremism, George Washington University; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Fighting the Hydra: Combatting Vulnerabilities in Online Leaderless Resistance Networks, Iris Malone; Lauren Blasco; Kaitlyn Robinson; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Emerging Risks in the Marine Transportation System (MTS), 2001- 2021, Iris Malone; Anastasia Strouboulis; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Emerging Risks in the Marine Transportation System Post-9/11: NCITE Research Snapshot, Iris Malone; Anastasia Strouboulis; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Predicting Targeted Violence: An Update, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center and Iris Malone


Barriers to Family Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) of Mobilization Behaviors and Pre-Operational Planning: Report to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center; Peter Simi; and Marisa Quezada


Target Personification Influences the Positive Emotional Link Between Generating and Implementing Malevolently Creative Ideas, Tin L. Nguyen, Kayla N. Walters, Alexis L. d'Amato, Scarlett R. Miller, and Samuel T. Hunter


Contemporary Violent Extremism and the Black Hebrew Israelite Movement, Program on Extremism, The George Washington University and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center


Facilitating Suspicious Activity Reporting at the Community Level: Family Members’ Observations of Non-Ideological Risk Factors and Signs of Radicalization Among Violent Extremists, Karyn Sporer