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  • Threat assessment is a process of identifying, assessing, and managing threats of targeted violence prompted by warning behaviors.
  • Threat assessment is an evolving field with no singular guidebook that can cover the range of settings to which it is applied.
  • Therefore, there are many different practical models of threat assessment implementation.
  • This directory reviews how threat assessment is practically implemented in various settings, by systematically reviewing case study literature that describes the structure and operations of existing threat assessment teams and models.
  • The directory compiles information on 27 threat assessment models which cover a range of harms within educational settings and workplaces as well as more specific crime types such as fixated threats to public figures, violent extremism, and stalking.
  • For each of the 27 models, the directory outlines details about their background, team details and composition, the nature and structure of their referral system, their threat assessment operations, their case management structure, and their quality assurance processes.
  • This directory serves as the foundation for a comparative analysis of threat assessment models with a focus on learning from partner countries outside of the United States.

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