Academic Publications | Nebraska Center for Justice Research | University of Nebraska at Omaha


Submissions from 2022


Understanding volunteerism: the role of the participant in non-clinical correctional programming, H. Daniel Butler, Michael Campagna, Ryan E. Spohn, and Katelynn Towne


Identifying Successes and Barriers in a Child Advocacy Center: An Examination of Five Service Areas, Amber Krushas, Teresa C. Kulig, Emily M. Wright, Ryan E. Spohn, and Lynn Castrianno


“Put it in Your Toolbox”: How Vocational Programs Support Formerly Incarcerated Persons through Reentry, Katelynn Towne, Michael Campagna, Ryan E. Spohn, and Amber Richey

Submissions from 2021


Changes in Jail Admissions Before and After Traumatic Brain Injury, Joseph A. Schwartz, Emily M. Wright, Ryan E. Spohn, Michael Campagna, Benjamin Steiner, and Ebonie Epinger

Submissions from 2020


Responding to Crossover Youth: A Look Beyond Recidivism Outcomes, Emily M. Wright, Ryan E. Spohn, and Michael Campagna

Submissions from 2019


Not Falling Prey to the “Myth of Methodology”: Naturalistic Inquiry into the Nature of Violence (Review), Ryan E. Spohn


Gender and Serious Youth Victimization: Assessing the Generality of Self-Control, Differential Association, and Social Bonding Theories, Egbert Zavala, Ryan E. Spohn, and Leanne F. Alarid

Submissions from 2018


Programming in Restrictive Housing: Considerations for Improving Outcome Evaluations, H. Daniel Butler, Starr Solomon, and Ryan E. Spohn

Submissions from 2017


Factors associated with reporting of sexual assault among college and non-college women, Ryan E. Spohn, Abby L. Bjornsen-Ramig, and Emily M. Wright

Submissions from 2016


Rape and Mental Health Outcomes Among Women: Examining the Moderating Effects of “Healthy” Fear Levels, Ryan E. Spohn, Emily M. Wright, and Johanna C. Peterson


The Importance of Interagency Collaboration for Crossover Youth, Emily M. Wright, Ryan E. Spohn, Joselyne Chenane, and Nicholas Juliano

Submissions from 2015


Borders Up in Smoke: Marijuana Enforcement in Nebraska After Colorado’s Legalization of Medicinal Marijuana, Jared M. Ellison and Ryan E. Spohn

Submissions from 2014


Spare the Rod, Endanger the Child? Strain, Race/Ethnicity, and Serious Delinquency, Ryan E. Spohn

Submissions from 2013


The Role of Vicarious and Anticipated Strain on the Overlap of Violent Perpetration and Victimization: A Test of General Strain Theory, Egbert Zavala and Ryan E. Spohn

Submissions from 2012


Delinquent Friends and Reactions to Strain: An Examination of Direct and Indirect Pathways, Ryan E. Spohn

Submissions from 2011


Family Structure as a Social Context for Family Conflict: Unjust Strain and Serious Delinquency, Ryan E. Spohn and Don L. Kurtz

Submissions from 2010


Ohio Regional Forum Report Findings from the Survey and Small Small-Group Participation, Ryan E. Spohn


Emotional Abuse and Controlling Behaviors in Heterosexual Relationships: The Role of Employment and Alcohol Use for Women and Their Partners, Egbert Zavala and Ryan E. Spohn

Submissions from 2008


Is There Such a Thing as “Defended Community Homicide”?: The Necessity of Methods Triangulation, Elizabeth Griffiths, Robert D. Baller, Ryan E. Spohn, and Rosemary Gartner


Investigating Racial Disparity at the Detention Decision: The Role of Respectability, Don L. Kurtz, Travis Linnemann, and Ryan E. Spohn


An Assessment of Cross-National Variation in Rates of Incarceration, Ryan E. Spohn and Travis Linnemann

Submissions from 2007


Pathways and Turning Points: Child Maltreatment, Adolescent Outcomes, and Delinquency, Ryan E. Spohn


Review of Juvenile Delinquency: Causes and Control (2nd edition) by Robert Agnew, Ryan E. Spohn

Submissions from 2006


Review of Fathers under Fire: The Revolution in Child Support Enforcement, by Irwin Garfinkel, Sara S. McLanahan, Daniel R. Meyer, and Judith A. Seltzer, Ryan E. Spohn

Review of The Cultural Lives of Capital Punishment: Comparative Perspectives edited by Austin Sarat and Christian Boulanger, Ryan E. Spohn


Gun Related Youth Violence: Fear of Victimization versus the Influence of Significant Others, Ryan E. Spohn and Samantha Lane

Submissions from 2005


Pulpits and Platforms: The Role of the Church in Determining Protest among Black Americans, Scott T. Fitzgerald and Ryan E. Spohn


Delinquency and Gun Violence: The Intervening Role of Values toward Guns, Ryan E. Spohn

Submissions from 2000


Families, Crime and Criminal Justice: Charting the Linkages, Greer Litton Fox, Michael L. Benson, and Ryan E. Spohn


Gender Differences in the Effect of Child Maltreatment on Criminal Activity over the Life Course, Ryan E. Spohn

Books from 1999

Emergent Issues in the Field of Drug Abuse: Volume 7, Judith A. Levy Ed., Richard C. Stephens Ed., Duane C. McBride Ed., Ryan E. Spohn, and Howard B. Kaplan


Adolescent substance use and adult health status, Ryan E. Spohn and Howard B. Kaplan