UNO Political Science Faculty Publications | Department of Political Science | University of Nebraska at Omaha
Publications by the Political Science Department faculty members are collected here.


Submissions from 2024


Behind the curve: technology challenges facing the homeland intelligence and counterterrorism workforce, Michelle Black, Lana Obradovic, and Deanna House

Submissions from 2023


Corporate Lobbying and ESG Reports: Patterns among US Companies, 1999–2017, Huchen Liu, Sijing Wei, and Jiarui Zhang

Submissions from 2022


For Hemispheric Unity, a Change in U.S. Foreign Policy is Needed, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter


Why have military courts become such as popular tool of repression?, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter

Submissions from 2019


A New Dawn for Latin American Militaries: Across the region, militarization is on the rise, posing a major threat to democracy and justice. What can be done?, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter

Submissions from 2018


Evidence for Hope: Making Human Rights Work in the 21st Century, Brett J. Kyle


Militarization Redux: Across the Region, Latin America's Militaries are Regaining Power through the Court System, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter

Submissions from 2017


Ethnic conflict and gender inequality in education: the case of Turkey, Ramazan Kilinc, Jody L. Neathery-Castro, and Selin Akyuz

Submissions from 2016


More Maple Leaf, Less CO2: Canada and a Global Geo-Engineering Regime, Elizabeth L. Chalecki and Lisa L. Ferrari

Submissions from 2014


Critical Junctures, Catalysts, and Democratic Consolidation in Turkey, Ramazan Kilinc

Submissions from 2013


Militarized Justice in New Democracies: Explaining the Process of Military Court Reform in Latin America, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter

Submissions from 2012


The Law, Security and Civil Society Freedoms, Mandeep S. Tiwana and Brett J. Kyle

Submissions from 2011


Global Environmental Change and Human Security – Edited by Richard A. Matthew, Jon Barnett, Bryan McDonald, and Karen L. O'Brien, Elizabeth L. Chalecki


Dictating Justice: Human Rights and Military Courts in Latin America, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter


How Our Life Experiences Affect Our Politics: The Roles of Vested Interest and Affect in Shaping Policy Preferences, Gregory A. Petrow and Timothy Vercellotti

Submissions from 2009


Riding Obama's Coattails: The Democrats Finally Take the Ohio 1st, Randall E. Adkins and Gregory A. Petrow


Climatic Cataclysm: The Foreign Policy and National Security Implications of Climate Change – Edited by Kurt M. Campbell, Elizabeth L. Chalecki


Exceptionalism as Foreign Policy: U.S. Climate Change Policy and an Emerging Norm of Compliance, Elizabeth L. Chalecki

Submissions from 2008


The Human Face of Economic Globalization: Mexican Migrants and their Support for Free Trade, John Aldrich, Victoria DeFrencesco Soto, and Gregory A. Petrow


Political Geography: Special Issue on Climate Change and Conflict (Review), Elizabeth L. Chalecki

Submissions from 2007


Dual Enrollment between High Schools and a Metropolitan University, Steve Bullock, Gregory A. Petrow, and Daniel Patrick O'Dell

Submissions from 2006


Review of One House: The Unicameral's Progressive Vision for Nebraska By Charlyne Berens, James B. Johnson

Submissions from 2005


Does French Matter? France and Francophonie in the Age of Globalization, Jody L. Neathery-Castro and Mark O. Rousseau

Submissions from 2004


Civic Engagement in the First-Year Experience: Developing Civic Literacy, Jody L. Neathery-Castro


Different Regions, Similar Views, Gregory A. Petrow

Submissions from 2003


Book Review: The Crowded Greenhouse: Population, Climate Change, and Creating a Sustainable World, Elizabeth L. Chalecki


Louisiana: Outside New Orleans, Bush Dominates, Gregory A. Petrow


Mississippi: An Exception to the Rule, Gregory A. Petrow


Texas: A Big State of Big Metros, Gregory A. Petrow

Submissions from 2002


A New Vigilance: Identifying and Reducing the Risks of Environmental Terrorism, Elizabeth L. Chalecki


Fire & Water: An Examination of the Technologies, Institutions, and Social Issues in Arms Control and Transboundary Water Resources Agreements, Elizabeth L. Chalecki, Peter H. Gleick, Kelli L. Larson, Arian L. Pregenzer, and Aaron T. Wolf


Technologies, Institutions, and Social Issues in Arms Control and Transbounary Water-Resources Agreements, Elizabeth L. Chalecki, Peter H. Gleick, Kelli L. Larson, Arian L. Pregenzer, and Aaron T. Wolf


National Survey Shows Half-Century Trend Away From Democrats, Gregory A. Petrow


The Christian Right, the South, and State Politics, Gregory A. Petrow and Thad Beyle

Submissions from 2001


Book Review: Ecology of War and Peace: Counting Costs of Conflict, Elizabeth L. Chalecki