"More Maple Leaf, Less CO2: Canada and a Global Geo-Engineering Regime" by Elizabeth L. Chalecki and Lisa L. Ferrari

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Publication Title

Canadian Foreign Policy in a Unipolar World


Learning Objectives

• To distinguish unique characteristics of transnational scientific issues.

• To articulate Canada's interests in formulating policy about climate change.

• To explain the potential benefits and drawbacks of geo-engineering as a response to climate change.

• To identify a role for Canada in constructing an international response to climate change.


Since the end of the Cold War, international structural factors have become less important to states' behaviour, while social constructions have become more important. The nature of scientific knowledge, including its formation and promulgation, means that science-based policies can be strongly influenced by the input and actions of scientists, activists, and other non-state actors. In the area of geo-engineering to mitigate climate change, the stakes are high and the barriers to deployment are low. We begin by discussing unipolarity and its conceptual limitations for thinking about climate change policy-making . After introducing the perils and possibilities of geo-engineering technology, we take on two questions: first, whether Canada has a compelling interest in shaping a global geo-engineering regime; second, whether Canada's resources are suited to such a role. We conclude that Canada would benefit from taking a leadership role in the formation of a global geo-engineering regime.


Chalecki, Elizabeth L., and Lisa L. Ferrari, “More Maple Leaf, Less CO2: Canada and a Global Geo-Engineering Regime”, Chapter 11 in “Canada in a Unipolar World" edited by Michael Hawes and Christopher Kirkey, 2016, reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press https://global.oup.com/academic/product/canadian-foreign-policy-in-a-unipolar-world-9780199020362?cc=us&lang=en&#.

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