"Individuals With Disabilities Performing Service Topic Bibliography" by Madeleine S. Hengel and Robert D. Shumer

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The following document is organized for a quick review of Citizen Participation, and not intended as an endorsement of the programs or organizations listed here. Resources and readings are intended as a starting point for researchers, practitioners and others who are interested in beginning to look for information on Citizen Participation.

To get more information, look in the resources sections and to read about civic and citizen participation, look in the readings section.

In general, the easiest and least expensive way to have access to the readings and documents is through your local library. Even if you are not near a university research library, most smaller libraries have interlibrary loan (ILL) agreements. The alternative to libraries is to go through commercial document reproduction and delivery services (listed at the end of "Links"). These offer a convenient way to get copies of serial articles and other documents for those willing to pay for the service. The original producer of a publication might also be a source for copies. When possible, contact information is provided for these organizations. If the document is on the Internet the URL is listed.

Private commercial article reprint services also exist. The two major ones are: University Microfilms International (UMI) and UnCover (listed at the end of this document).


Hengel, M. S., & Shumer, R. D. (1997). Service-Learning and Evaluation: A Brief Review of Resources and Readings. A "Link" Piece: Connecting Theory with Practice. Santa Cruz, CA: National Service-Learning Clearinghouse.

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