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This document has been prepared as a brief review of resources and readings on Service-Learning and School-to-Work. The series, "Links, Connecting Theory With Practice," is being developed to give practitioners and researchers who contact the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse (NSLC) a point of reference in beginning to look at topics and current issues in service-learning.

Service-Learning (SL) and School-to-Work (STW) both extend learning beyond the classroom into real world contexts where broader problem-solving and decision-making skills are addressed. While service-learning provides opportunities for students to participate in learning activities within their community that utilize their academic and vocational competencies, School-to-Work helps students make tentative career choices and develop educational goals aimed at achieving vocational and personal satisfaction.


Hengel, M. S., Shumer, R. (1997). School-to-Work and Service Learning. A "Links" Piece, Connecting Theory and Practice. Santa Cruz, CA: National Service-Learning Clearinghouse.

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