"Service-Learning and Evaluation: A Brief Review of Issues and the Lite" by Madeleine S. Hengel and Robert D. Shumer

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One of the most frequently requested topics for information at the National Service-Learning Cooperative Clearinghouse is evaluation. Practitioners want to know what to do and how to do it. Graduate students want to know what has been done and how they can do evaluation. Program administrators want to know how evaluation can assist them in making the case for and expanding service programs.

The good news is there is more than enough information available to answer all these requests. There are literally volumes of work on almost every conceivable aspect of evaluation. The bad news: There is too much information available for anybody to make much sense of it in just a few pages. There are entire doctoral programs on the study of evaluation, so it is unrealistic for anyone to believe that a person can become really knowledgeable about evaluation through a workshop or a single source of information.

The purpose of this document is to attempt to provide some guidance to those who are exploring the connections between service-learning and evaluation. Common sources for obtaining the listings appears at the end of the document.

We will define the categories by highlighting the questions that come from the field to frame the topic. Here goes!


Hengel, M. S., & Shumer, R. D. (1997). Service-Learning and Evaluation: A Brief Review of Resources and Readings. A "Link" Piece: Connecting Theory with Practice.Santa Cruz, CA: National Service-Learning Clearinghouse.

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