"Cesar Chavez: Educating the Heart" by Orange County Cesar Chavez Day Initiative

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Cesar Chavez was one of the most significant and influential civil rights leaders of our time. Chavez devoted himself to social justice and improving the lives of the impoverished and oppressed. His name, like the name of Martin Luther King, Jr., speaks of character and commitment. This project is in honor of the life and work of Cesar E. Chavez.

The Cesar Chavez project is a multi-faceted service learning experience that will provide your 4lh graders with a unique, hands-on perspective of California History. Whether used to celebrate Cesar Chavez Day (March 31st) with your class or simply as a part of regular class studies, this project will help enhance and support the Academic Curriculum as outline on page 11. This experience will bring to life Cesar Chavez, his values and philosophy, and his efforts to reform conditions for migrant workers in California. Using service as the vehicle for learning, students will also gain a sense of civic responsibility and understand the importance of giving back to their communities.

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