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The Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program is authorized under Title II of P. L. 103-382. It provides institutions of higher education the opportunity to partner with K-12 teachers and administrators to assist with professional development through sustained, high-quality professional development activities in mathematics, science, reading, and other areas of the core academic curriculum.
The Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development project shared here was undertaken by Eastern Michigan University and Romulus Community Schools to provide Romulus teachers professional development to integrate the teaching methodology of academic service-learning into their mathematics and science curriculum. The goal was to increase academic achievement and civic participation. This monograph contains sample units and lesson plans produced by teachers who participated in this grant.
Recommended Citation
Rice, Dale; Hurst, Kathy; and Caniglia, Joanne, "Learning with a Purpose: Academic Service-Learning Curriculum" (2001). Curriculum. 46.
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