"Using Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Assessments to Ensure " by John W. Tippeconnic III and Susan C. Faircloth

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ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools

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The American Indian and Alaska Native Education Research Agenda (Research Agenda Working Group, Strang & von Glatz, 2001) represents the most recent formal call for research leading to improved assessments for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students with special learning needs. Similar calls were recorded at hearings and published in commissioned papers in the early 1990s (Cahape, 1993; Johnson, 1991). The disproportionate number of AI/AN students receiving special education services and identified as limited English proficient (LEP) indicates an ongoing need for the research. This Digest briefly reviews the legislation and literature pertaining to the influence of language and culture in making referrals, administering assessments, and providing appropriate services and programs to AI/AN students.

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