DigitalCommons@UNO - UNO Student Research and Creative Activity Fair: Quantitative Analysis of Sexual Function in Women up to 1-Year Postpartum

Presenter Information

Amber KellyFollow

Advisor Information

Dr. Sofia Jawed-Wessel


MBSC 304

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Start Date

6-3-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

6-3-2020 10:15 AM


Background. Sexual satisfaction is a strong predictor of relationship satisfaction and a component of general well-being. Changes in sexual behavior are common during pregnancy and the subsequent transition to parenthood. Currently, little literature exists that examines the breadth of factors contributing to decreased female sexual functionality during the postpartum period. Identifying factors associated with decreased female sexual function following childbirth has the potential to improve postpartum women’s sexual satisfaction and overall quality of life. The study seeks to answer the following research questions: RQ 1: What impact has childbirth had on frequency of sexual activity in women within the first year following childbirth? RQ 2: Is there a significant relationship between mode of delivery and ability to achieve orgasm in women within the first year following childbirth? Methods. A quantitative research approach will be applied to answer the research questions of this study. Data will be retrieved and analyzed using the Female Sexual Function Questionnaire’s Medical Impact Scale (SFQ-MIS). Statistical analysis will be completed with SPSS software. A one-way ANOVA test will be utilized to determine the statistical significance of mode of delivery and ability to achieve orgasm. Additionally, the correlation between frequency of sexual activity and reported sexual desire will be analyzed. The responses to each question will be analyzed using frequency data. With these results, tables will be constructed to illustrate the research findings. Results. Results of this study are still pending. Conclusions. Conclusions will be determined following completion of data analysis.

Mar 6th, 9:00 AM Mar 6th, 10:15 AM

Quantitative Analysis of Sexual Function in Women up to 1-Year Postpartum

MBSC 304

Background. Sexual satisfaction is a strong predictor of relationship satisfaction and a component of general well-being. Changes in sexual behavior are common during pregnancy and the subsequent transition to parenthood. Currently, little literature exists that examines the breadth of factors contributing to decreased female sexual functionality during the postpartum period. Identifying factors associated with decreased female sexual function following childbirth has the potential to improve postpartum women’s sexual satisfaction and overall quality of life. The study seeks to answer the following research questions: RQ 1: What impact has childbirth had on frequency of sexual activity in women within the first year following childbirth? RQ 2: Is there a significant relationship between mode of delivery and ability to achieve orgasm in women within the first year following childbirth? Methods. A quantitative research approach will be applied to answer the research questions of this study. Data will be retrieved and analyzed using the Female Sexual Function Questionnaire’s Medical Impact Scale (SFQ-MIS). Statistical analysis will be completed with SPSS software. A one-way ANOVA test will be utilized to determine the statistical significance of mode of delivery and ability to achieve orgasm. Additionally, the correlation between frequency of sexual activity and reported sexual desire will be analyzed. The responses to each question will be analyzed using frequency data. With these results, tables will be constructed to illustrate the research findings. Results. Results of this study are still pending. Conclusions. Conclusions will be determined following completion of data analysis.