"Psychosocial Attitudes Affecting Counseling of Homosexual Males with A" by Norma A. Morehouse

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Dr. Robert Butler

Second Advisor

Dr. Richard Blake

Third Advisor

Dr. James Thorson

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Wayne Wheeler


As the decade of the 1980s draws to a close, it ushers in the last decade of the twentieth century. "New Age" thinking, which attempts to withhold judgement and accept individuals as unique and necessary to the whole, challenges society to more fully understand those issues such as homosexuality which have in the past caused division. New Age thinking is defined by the researcher as a philosophy in which an holistic approach to health is essential. Mind, body, and spirit— respect for these is a healthy life.


A Thesis Presented to the Department of Counseling and Guidance and the Faculty of the Graduate College University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts University of Nebraska at Omaha. Copyright Norma A. Morehouse August, 1988

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