"A Comparison of Attitudes Toward Persons with Mental Retardation in Th" by Catherine L. Palmer

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Educational Leadership


This study is an attempt to compare attitudes toward persons with mental retardation in different age groups. It attempts to determine if public attitudes toward adults and elderly persons with mental retardation are more negative than attitudes toward children with mental retardation, and if attitudes toward elderly persons with mental retardation are more negative than attitudes toward adults with mental retardation. The instrument used in this study was a set of three semantic differential scales. The scales measured attitudes toward three concepts: mentally retarded child, mentally retarded young adult, and mentally retarded elderly person. A stratified sampling procedure was used to select the subjects for this study. The instrument was distributed to 142 individuals. These subjects completed all three scales - one for each age group. The group responses to each concept were then compared using three t -tests, and significant differences were found between each of the three paired groups.


A Thesis Presented to the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders and the Faculty of the Graduate College University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts: Mental Retardation University of Nebraska at Omaha. Copyright Catherine L. Palmer December, 1989
