"The Development of School Board Policies for the Alta Community School" by Paul L. Bjorkgren

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Specialist in Education (Ed.S.)


Educational Leadership


Public education in the United States is a function of the states. In discharging this responsibility each state has recognized that a considerable degree of local control of education is essential. The establishment of local school districts and the creation of local boards of education to administer school district affairs reflect this point of view. This decentralized control of education places heavy responsibilities on local boards of education. Although state mandatory laws and regulations governing education must be followed, numerous decisions on educational matters have been left to the discretion of local boards. It is not surprising that educational policy making is commonly regarded as the most important function of local school boards. The purpose of this study is to provide information dealing with characteristics of school board policies. This information has been gathered from various manuals and literature dealing with school board policies. It is upon this information base that a set of policies for an actual school district has been drawn. Those policies are included in order that the articulation from information base to operational policies might be seen.


A Field Project Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate College the University of Nebraska at Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Specialist in Education. Copyright Paul L. Bjorkgren July, 1970

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