"Survey of the Millard elementary summer school program" by Gene L. Bentley

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)


Educational Administration and Supervision


For hundreds of thousands of youngsters across the country, the "good ole summertime" is better than ever. However, there are some children who must attend summer school to make up work that they have failed during the school year. The parents of the Millard School District elementary students are making for the reasons that their child has been referred for the remedial work during the summer school. Perhaps the parents had valid reasons for questioning the summer school program offered in the Millard Public School System. Why was Millard's summer school program making slow progress in the areas of curriculum and enrollment? Was it because of a lack of objectives developed by the teachers themselves? Or was it the criteria used for enrollment? The administration as well as the parents, teachers, and pupils had searching questions about the summer school program.


A Field Project Presented to the Department of Educational Administration and the Faculty of the Graduate College University of Nebraska at Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Specialist in Education. Copyright 1970 Gene L. Bentley.
