"Middle and working-class fathers' occupational expectations and aspira" by William H. Bieck

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Sociology and Anthropology

First Advisor

George W. Barger


Sociological research in the areas of occupational preference and mobility, together with related work in the sociology of education has been concerned almost entirely with males. An all but exclusive preoccupation with the male worker is somewhat surprising considering the fact that census data reveal, an increasing proportion of women in paid employment during the last sixty years.1 An examination of labor statistics by Bossi,2 disclosed that between 1950 and I960, women accounted for 65 per cent of the increase in the labor force. By 1965, according to Davis3, approximately one paid worker in three was a female.4 Pacts such as these tend to confirm the Important position that working women have come to occupy in the economy of the United States.

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