"An evaluation of the first College of Saint Mary summer English progra" by David A. Nettelmann

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Specialist in Education (Ed.S.)


Special Education and Communication Disorders

First Advisor

Dr. Robert C. O'Reilly

Second Advisor

Dr. Jay Heath

Third Advisor

Dr. James Dick


Conventional wisdom maintains that international educational exchanges provide unquestionable benefits to participating students. Improved ability to speak the language of the host-country and increased understanding and appreciation of the culture and people of the host country are examples of those benefits. Host institutions are thought to benefit financially. They also benefit by the intercultural experience that international students offer the host community. The result has been a proliferation of programs developed over the last few decades by American colleges and universities for international students desiring to study English and American culture. Many of these programs occur during the summer. A large number of them are designed for Japanese students.


Presented to the Graduate Faculty University of Nebraska at Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Specialist in Education University of Nebraska at Omaha. Copyright 1989 David A. Nettelmann.
