Date of Award
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Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
"I wish that some one, in these excerpting days, would extract and print together all Hazlitt's passages on Burke," wrote George Saintsbury some sixty years ago. To date no "some one" has done so, although such a compilation would be of great value to any researcher interested in William Hazlitt's political theories (if the musings of an artist-philosopher-literary critic-journalist may be called political theories).
All Hazlitt's biographers have commented on his equivocal attitudes toward Edmund Burke, Herschel Baker's recent book presenting the most comprehensive study; but these comments have been restricted almost exclusively to Hazlitt's extended discussions of the great English statesman, barely mentioning the many brief asides which allude to Burke, and ignoring almost completely the hundreds of Burke "quotations" which pepper Hazlitt's essays.
This paper attempts to make some order out of the chaos of "all Hazlitt's passages on Burke."
Recommended Citation
Dustin, Dorothy Devereux, "Hazlitt on Burke: A study of William Hazlitt's conflicting comments on, and the frequency and manner in which he quoted Edmund Burke" (1964). Student Work. 3201.
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A Thesis Presented to the Graduate Faculty of the Department of English University of Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts. Copyright 1964 Dorothy Devereux Dustin.