"The Impact of a One-to-One Laptop Computer Program on the Literacy Ach" by Eric G. Weber


Eric G. Weber

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

John W. Hill

Second Advisor

Kay A. Keiser

Third Advisor

Neal F. Grandgenett


The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of a one-to-one laptop computer program on the literacy achievement of eighth-grade students with above average, average, and below average measured cognitive skill levels who are eligible and not eligible for free or reduced price lunch program participation. The study analyzed, student ability levels, grade point averages, performance on locally developed criterion referenced tests, and performance on national standardized achievement tests administered before and after students participated in a one-to-one laptop environment. The results of this study support the implementation of one-to-one laptop computer programs as a systematic intervention to improve achievement for above average ability ( n = 12), average ability (n = 55), and below average ability (n = 13) students eligible for free or reduced price lunch program participation and above average ability (n = 63), average ability ( n = 162), and below average ability (n = 11) students who are not eligible free or reduced price lunch program participation. Because statistically significant academic achievement improvement was identified for five of the six ability groupings and for both students eligible and not eligible for free or reduced price lunch participation, the results suggest continued use of this intervention. In addition, all posttest-posttest results provide equipoise and demonstrate that the achievement gap between students eligible and students not eligible for free or reduced price lunch participation had been mitigated through participation in the school-wide one-to-one laptop computer program. While the one-to-one laptop computer program cannot provide causation for this equipoise, its inclusion as a fundamental programmatic component of this middle school setting should be considered as a contributing factor. Educators should sustain programs that increase achievement for all students across socioeconomic levels by ensuring equal access to technology-rich environments.


Department formerly called Educational Administration and Supervision.

A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College of the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Education Major: Educational Administration.
