"A geographic model for urban parks and recreation facility planning: A" by Barbara Daniels

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Geography and Geology

First Advisor

Dr. Charles R. Gildersleeve

Second Advisor

Dr. Jeff Peake


Recreation resources are unevenly distributed and contantly changing in the city. In this case, the structure of parks and recreation resources in Omaha, Nebraska, are of concern. To formulate a more precise and meaningful notion of recreation supply and demand; recreation scarcity, allocation and availability were calculated from a block by block survey of Omaha's population. Population density was used to determine the distribution of population relative to park acreage. Acres per capita within recreation service areas was considered as a rough estimate of intensity of use at park facilities. Additionally, acres of recreation land relative to acres of non-recreation land was used as a rough measure of land availability. Accessibility has been considered in terms of the distance of the population to existing park opportunities. Standard planning allocation measures were applied as yet another yardstick to measure Omaha's supply of parks and recreation facilities to the public demand. All of this was done to answer the question "Does Omaha have enough land dedicated to parks and recreation facilities to equitably serve the citizens of Omaha?"


A Thesis Presented to the Department of Geography/Geology and the Faculty of the Graduate College University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts University of Nebraska at Omaha

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