"Changing land use patterns in Cass County, Nebraska 1941-1971" by Horst Dieter Albrecht

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Geography and Geology

First Advisor

Dr. Harold J. Retallick


This thesis is a study of the changing land use patterns of Cass County, Nebraska. Data for this thesis was obtained from government agencies and field research conducted by the author. The economic base of the county has traditionally been agriculture and agriculture continues to comprise the largest single occupation in the county. Average farm size is increasing, a trend which will continue to reduce the number of smaller, family operated farms. Although the number of inarms has been steadily declining, the value of land and per capita income has been rising. In terms of value received, cattle raising has now exceeded crop cultivation in the area. While corn has remained the major crop, sorghum and soybeans have become increasingly more important, and the traditional wheat production has steadily declined. Low prices and government policy have forced the tiller of the soil to make changes in land use. Limestone quarrying and processing are second only to agriculture in land utilization and in the order of economic importance Government involvement in maintaining the county's natural resources is evident throughout the county. Conservation is practiced energetically by the majority of farmers with the help of government subsidies. Urban, conservation, and industrial land uses are examined because such uses have removed land from agricultural classification. However, the primary focus of this study was upon the agricultural land use changes and related phenomena in the county.


A Thesis Presented to the Department of Geography and the Faculty of the Graduate College University of Nebraska at Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts. Copyright 1972, Horst Dieter Albrecht

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