Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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Although there is ever-increasing emphasis on integrating technology in teaching, there are few well-tested and refined assessments to measure the quality of this integration. The few measures that are available tend to favor constructivist approaches to teaching, and thus do not accurately assess the quality of technology integration across a range of different teaching approaches. We have developed a more “pedagogically inclusive” instrument that reflects key TPACK concepts and that has proven to be both reliable and valid in two successive rounds of testing. The instrument’s interrater reliability coefficient (.857) was computed using both Intraclass Correlation and a score agreement (84.1%) procedure. Internal consistency (using Cronbach’s Alpha) was .911. Test-retest reliability (score agreement) was 87.0%. Five TPACK experts also confirmed the instrument’s construct and face validities. We offer this new rubric to help teacher educators to more accurately assess the quality of technology integration in lesson plans, and suggest exploring its use in project and unit plans.
Recommended Citation
Harris, Judith B.; Grandgenett, Neal; and Hofer, Mark, "Testing a TPACK-Based Technology Integration Assessment Rubric" (2010). Teacher Education Faculty Proceedings & Presentations. 18.
Harris, J., Grandgenett, N. & Hofer, M. (2010). Testing a TPACK-Based Technology Integration Assessment Rubric. In D. Gibson & B. Dodge (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2010 (pp. 3833-3840). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. ©2013 by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Used by permission.
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This paper was later published in Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2010.