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Jakopovic -

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For a number of years, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has focused on building a statewide partnership with mathematics teachers, schools, districts, and educational service units, to raise K-12 student achievement in mathematics. During this session, we will share a variety of our efforts to build professional communities of educators, including the NSF-funded grants NebraskaNOYCE, NebraskaMATH, and the Math in the Middle Institute Partnership. We will engage participants in a discussion of necessary and sufficient conditions to support such professional communities, and how such conditions can be created or worked around.


The University of Nebraska at Omaha was granted permission to deposit this presentation by the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences (CBMS). Any reuse or permissions must be obtained from CBMS directly. For more information please visit

Note: This was presented under Dr. Paula Jakopovic's maiden name as Paula Millerd

This was presented at the CBMS Forum on Teaching in the Era of the Common Core on October 2-4, 2011 in Reston Virginia,

The PowerPoint is attached as an additional file.

B.6_Smith_Millerd_Sand_Welker.pptx (8307 kB)