"Linking Social Emotional Learning and Literacy" by Alicia Laufenberg

Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Teacher Education

First Advisor

Saundra Shillingstad


This capstone project explores the linkage between social emotional learning and literacy in a second-grade general education classroom. It provides details on the social emotional assessment tool, the Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA), and the literacy assessments, Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessments and DIBELS 8th Edition Oral Reading Fluency Benchmark Assessments. This capstone discusses the social emotional literacy lessons that were implemented in the classroom between the collection of baseline and final data. It also reviews existing research that links social emotional learning and literacy. This capstone examines the results of this study and the direction future research should consider. This research finds that student reading levels and social emotional skills are directly related.
