"Undergraduate Employment: How Does Working Influence GPA and Attendanc" by Natalia Kunze

Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)



First Advisor

Brigette Ryalls


Undergraduate students often seek employment to pay off debt, gain valuable experience, or to acquire time management skills. Previous studies of undergraduates found that students who worked between 10 and 19 hours per week had higher GPAs than all other working and non-working students. Given the difference in GPA between working and non-working students, the current study seeks to examine the effect of employment on GPA and class attendance. Little is currently known about how working influences class attendance, and the degree to which employment effects GPA and attendance habits likely varies between different types of jobs. Therefore, the current study will also examine how different categories of jobs influence students’ GPA and attendance. Undergraduate students, working and non-working, would be recruited from various academic areas at a Midwestern university. Participants would complete a demographic survey and several survey questions inquiring about employment characteristics, work-school conflict, attendance, and GPA.

Available for download on Saturday, August 21, 3019
