"The Way the Cookie Crumbles: A Consultative Look Inside a Local Omaha" by Halsie Guenther

Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Marketing and Management

First Advisor

Dr. Leif Lundmark


This paper investigates a local Omaha food truck, Carson’s Cookie Truck. In this analysis, the key opportunities and threats facing the food truck industry as a whole, as well as the internal resources and capabilities of Carson’s Cookie Fix are evaluated to uncover the strategic problem facing the company. Results from the analyses indicate that the main problem facing Carson’s is an underutilization of the company merger with eCreamery. With the identification of the strategic issue, key recommendations are presented to combat the deterioration of Carson’s competitive position. A recommendation to leverage the merger to strengthen corporate differentiation and raise barriers to imitation is provided. Implementation steps are also provided. Overall, this thesis serves as a complete analysis of Carson’s Cookie Truck current competitive position and offers a recommendation to strengthen Carson’s competitive position and enhance the company’s unique products and services.
