"Examining the Relationships Between College and High School Relational" by Tylore Gross and Juan F. Casas

Month/Year of Graduation




First Advisor

Juan Casas


The purpose of the current study is to investigate the relationship between high school and college peer relational and physical victimization and its effects on self-esteem, as well parallel associations between relational victimization in romantic relationships and its effects on self-esteem. Participants were recruited at a Midwest University to participate in an online study through the Psychology Department wherein they completed a series of questionnaires. A total of 317 college students participated in this study, including 245 females (77%) and 72 males (23%). Participants received extra credit in their psychology class for participating. Self-reports of self-esteem were measured using the Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965). In assessing peer victimization in high school and college we used two of the three subscales on a peer victimization in high school and college measure. Correlations were run to test for relationships among high school and college self- reports of peer relational and physical victimization, self-esteem, and relational victimization in romantic relationships. All the correlations were in the expected direction, and all but two were significant. Three hierarchical multiple regression analyses were also conducted on the outcome variable of college self-esteem as predicted by type of victimization and two of the models were significant. This research suggests the importance of understanding the long-lasting impact of peer victimization for professionals working with students on mental health issues.
