"Utilizing the Touch Point Math Strategy to Increase Math Proficiency" by Grace Giebler

Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Teacher Education

First Advisor

Dr. Saundra L. Shillingstad


This Capstone project reports the differentiated instructional strategies that were integrated throughout a math intervention unit with a student receiving special education services. The capstone reports the effectiveness of four instructional strategies and two assessment strategies that were integrated into a math unit that focused on the effectiveness of touch point math as an intervention. The unit had eight lessons taught over two weeks. I will elaborate on the instructional strategies and assessment strategies and the effects they had on the students' learning. I collected data throughout the implementation of lessons and found that the Touch Point math strategy, modeling, think-alouds, math manipulatives, observations, and exit tickets were effective instructional strategies. I also found that the assessment strategies positively impacted students' learning and growth.
