Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Finance, Banking, and Real Estate

First Advisor

Brent Clark, PhD


The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into finance represents a significant evolution in the industry, one that has been ongoing for years but is now accelerating rapidly. This paper explores the various forms and functions of AI, from reactive machines to the potential for superintelligence, and examines its impact on banking, business finance, and investing.

In banking, AI has bolstered cybersecurity and fraud detection, leveraging machine learning algorithms to continuously improve accuracy and efficiency. Similarly, in business finance, AI tools like chatbots and algorithms streamline processes, enhance productivity, and reduce costs. In investing, AI-driven solutions such as robo advisors offer superior returns by leveraging data analysis and eliminating human biases.

However, while AI promises transformative benefits, it also raises questions about the future of human involvement in finance. While certain tasks may become automated, human judgment remains essential, especially in complex decision-making scenarios. Moreover, the adoption of AI is a strategic imperative for financial institutions to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Looking ahead, the impact of AI on finance is poised to continue growing, potentially leading to profound shifts in how the industry operates. Organizations that embrace this technological revolution will likely thrive, balancing the opportunities of AI with a thoughtful consideration of its implications to ensure that the future of finance remains both innovative and human-centric.
