Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)



First Advisor

Dr. Sally Bonsall


The battle between the U.S and Russia has taken many forms throughout the years. When taking a sample of conflicts that involve the U.S. and Russia in various capacities and different points in time, certain similarities are observed. Within the individual level of conflict analysis, leaders in the U.S., Russia, and other states involved often sway between dovish and hawkish tendencies. On a domestic level, the U.S. and Russia have opposing ideologies. The U.S. values democracy and capitalism, and often supports states that lean democratically. In contrast, Russia views democracy as a threat and supports states that value protectionism and controlled economies and policies. The Cuban Missile Crisis, the Nicaraguan Revolution, and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war demonstrate these similarities and differences to varying extents.
