"Clinical Decision Making: A Case Study of the Effects of Evidence Bas" by Olivia Zeman-Renner

Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Political Science

First Advisor

Dr. Ramazan Kilinc


With a growing number of medical malpractice suits and the passage of policy that focuses on patient advocacy, an emphasis has been placed on research regarding the decision-making processes of physicians in everyday practices. Over the past decades, scholars have looked to specific clinical decision-making philosophies, how they can be implemented into practice, and the effects of such implementation, but little research has been done into the culmination of decision-making philosophies on a day-to-day basis. By focusing on single-case study of a Midwestern Emergency Department and asking Attending physicians to self-report their decision-making philosophies, this study serves as a transition between past clinical decision-making research and studies not yet created. Results, although not statistically analyzable due to the small number of respondents, indicate that variation in clinical decision-making does exist, and cannot be attributed to one sole variable or factor. In addition, it is evident that multiple clinical decision-making philosophies are at play in daily clinical practice. Albeit a small study, this study can be repeated and modified in the future to determine true statistical significance between certain factors and clinical decision-making. Not only this, but a better understanding of the culmination of clinical decision-making philosophies can be understood.
