"An Analysis of the Economic Barriers to Oral Healthcare Access in Omah" by Elias Witte

Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)



First Advisor

Katie A. Shirazi, PhD


Existing research regarding the analysis of the distribution of oral healthcare practitioners has been conducted across large metropolitan areas within the United States in order to determine the magnitude of healthcare resource deficits. Such research has demonstrated significant deficits in access to oral healthcare predominantly in lower-income urban areas. Consequently, patients in these socioeconomically disadvantaged areas have less access to routine oral care, which impacts their overall health and well-being. While there is an abundance of studies examining this issue in other localities across the country, there is a lack of information regarding the distribution of oral healthcare practitioners in the Midwest, specifically in Omaha, Nebraska. This capstone project’s aim is to use available datasets in order to complete a cross-sectional analysis that determines how economic disparities within Omaha have affected access to oral healthcare. Specifically, North Omaha and South Omaha have been identified as low-income urban areas that face the greatest shortfall of resources and should be the focus of future public health initiatives.

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