

Scripture generally lacks all but the barest bones for constructing a watchable and interesting tale. In speaking scenes, there is not enough dialogue. In action scenes, the action is suggested rather than described. Information about dress, setting, weather, food, norms of social and religious behavior, emotions, personalities and many other aspects that go into the construction of film's "moving pictures" are simply lacking in the biblical material.

The additions necessarily comprise interpretations made by the director, the writer, or the actors. They will be judged and are in danger of being deemed inaccurate, insensitive, or even heretical. The history of Christians protesting and picketing Jesus films, from King of Kings to Jesus Christ Superstar, to the portrayal of the church's disapproval in Jesus of Montreal, indicates that the charge of heresy is never far from movie depictions of Jesus.

When a filmmaker successfully makes a movie authoritative, the audience is more likely to accept the film as a whole, and view its message as the message of Scripture, or at least as an acceptable interpretation of Scripture. When the film fails to make its presentation authoritative, the audience may question its interpretations. This usually results in the rejection of the film, and possibly even its labeling as heresy.


