UNO Chemistry Faculty Publications | Department of Chemistry | University of Nebraska at Omaha
Publications by the ChemistryDepartment faculty members are collected here.


Submissions from 2020


Aromatic Hydrazide Compounds that Inhibit the Growth of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Ronald Bartzatt, Preeti Sule, Thushara Galbadage, and Jeffrey D. Cirillo


High-frequency data reveal differential dissolved and suspended solids behavior from a mixed restored prairie and agricultural catchment, Andrew Miller, Ashlee L. Dere, and Tracy Coleman

Submissions from 2019


Conformational Studies of Glucose Transporter 1 (GLUT1) as an Anticancer Drug Target, Suliman Almahmoud, Xiaofang Wang, Jonathan L. Vennerstrom, and Haizhen A. Zhong


Molecular Modeling Studies on the Binding Mode of the PD-1/PD-L1 Complex Inhibitors, Suliman Almahmoud and Haizhen A. Zhong


Assay of Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) Utilizing Isocratic Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Ronald Bartzatt, Purnima Gajmer, Mai Han Cassandra Nguyen, and Alexndra My-Hanh Tran

Submissions from 2018


Prediction of Novel Anti-Ebola Virus Compounds Utilizing Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Ronald Bartzatt


Structural Identification and Kinetic Analysis of the in Vitro Products Formed by Reaction of Bisphenol A‑3,4-quinone with N‑Acetylcysteine and Glutathione, Douglas E. Stack, John A. Conrad, and Bejan Mahmud

Submissions from 2017


Comparative Analysis of Antihistamines and Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): Properties, Structure and Prediction of New Potential Drugs, Ronald Bartzatt


Neurological Impact of Zinc Excess and Deficiency In vivo, Ronald Bartzatt


Pyrimethamine Based Anti-protozoan Agents from Isostere and Heuristic Structure-similarity Search, Ronald Bartzatt


Relative Properties and Relative Potency of Various Hydrazide Compounds That Inhibit Growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Ronald Bartzatt


Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of novel Hedgehog Inhibitors for treating Pancreatic Cancer, Vinod Kumar, Amit Kumar Chaudhary, Yuxiang Dong, Haizhen Zhong, Goutam Mondal, Feng Lin, Virender Kumar, and Ram I. Mahato


Crystal structure of Li3Ga(BO3)2, Robert W. Smith, Darien Holman, and Eric M. Villa

Submissions from 2016


Acridine orange staining of virus infected host cells to monitor proliferation of viral infection, Ronald Bartzatt


Potency and Properties of Hydrazide Compounds That Inhibit the Growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Ronald Bartzatt


Properties and Drug-likeness of Compounds That Inhibit Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), Ronald Bartzatt


Four Compounds Suppressing Growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Ronald Bartzatt, Preeti Sule, Woojung Kim, and Jeffrey D. Cirillo


NMR analysis of t‐butyl‐catalyzed deuterium exchange at unactivated arene localities, Douglas E. Stack and Rachel Eastman

Submissions from 2015


Design of COX-1 Inhibitors Utilizing Class I Isosteres, Class II Isosteres, and Nonclassical Bioisosteres for Substituent Substitution on Proved Parent Structures, Ronald Bartzatt


Measuring the Alkylation Kinetics and Drug Likeness of Four Candidate Antineoplastic Compounds, Ronald Bartzatt


Potential Antineoplastic Structural Variations of Uracil Mustard (Uramustine) Retaining Cytotoxic Activity and Drug-likeness Suitable for Oral Administration, Ronald Bartzatt


Block Design-Based Asynchronous Neighbor Discovery Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, Sangil Choi, Wooksik Lee, Teukseob Song, and Jong-Hoon Youn


Identifying the tautomeric form of a deoxyguanosine-estrogen quinone intermediate, Douglas E. Stack

Submissions from 2014


Drug Analogs of COX-2 Selective Inhibitors Lumiracoxib and Valdecoxib Derived from in silico Search and Optimization, Ronald Bartzatt


Detection and Assay of Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Utilizing UV/VIS Spectrophotometer and Citric Acid Buffer, Ronald Bartzatt and Michelle Lee Follis


Novel Tuberculostatic Agents Suitable for Treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infections of the Central Nervous System, Ronald Bartzatt, Preeti Sule, Suat L.G. Cirillo, and Jeffrey D. Cirillo

Submissions from 2013


Lomustine Analogous Drug Structures for Intervention of Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors: The Benefit of In Silico Substructure Search and Analysis, Ronald Bartzatt


Test Selection on Extended Finite State Machines with Provable Guarantees, Bo Guo and Mahadevan Subramaniam

Submissions from 2012


Experimental Determination of pKa Values by Use of NMR Chemical Shifts, Revisited, Alan D. Gift


Evolutionary History and Phylodynamics of Influenza A and B Neuraminidase (NA) Genes Inferred from Large-Scale Sequence Analyses, Haizhen Zhong

Submissions from 2011


Optical Properties of Antiferroelectric Cs2Nb4O11: Absorption Spectra and First-Principles Calculations, H. L. Liu, C. R. Huang, G. F. Luo, and Wai-Ning Mei


The Tyranny of the Vital Few: The Pareto Principle in Language Design, Victor L. Winter, James L. Perry, Harvey Siy, Satish Srinivasan, Ben Farkas, and James McCoy

Submissions from 2010


Spectrophotometric and colorimetic methodology to detect and quantify hydrazide based chemotherapeutic drugs, Ronald Bartzatt


A Parallel Non-Alignment Based Approach to Efficient Sequence Comparison using Longest Common Subsequences, Sanjukta Bhowmick, Mohammad Shafiullah, H. Rai, and Dhundy Raj Bastola


What is Wrong with Water Barometers?, Dan Sullivan, Robert W. Smith, E. J. Kemnitz, Kevin Barton, Robert M. Graham, Raymond A. Guenther, and Larry Webber

Submissions from 2009


Design of Novel Anticancer Drugs Utilizing Busulfan for Optimizing Pharmacological Properties and Pattern Recognition Techniques for Elucidation of Clinical Efficacy, Ronald Bartzatt


Spiroadamantyl 1,2,4-Trioxolane, 1,2,4-Trioxane, and 1,2,4-Trioxepane Pairs: Relationship Between Peroxide Bond Iron(II) Reactivity, Heme Alkylation Efficiency, and Antimalarial Activity, Xiaofang Wang, Darren J. Creek, Yuxiang Dong, Jacques Chollet, Christian Scheurer, Sergio Wittlin, Susan A. Charman, Patrick H. Dussault, James K. Wood, and Jonathan L. Vennerstrom

Submissions from 2008


Antibacterial Activity of Dipeptide Constructions of Acetylsalicylic Acid and Nicotinic Acid, Ronald Bartzatt, Suat L.G. Cirillo, and Jeffrey D. Cirillo


Dirubidium Digallium Oxide Bis(orthoborate), Robert W. Smith, Chunhua Hu, and Christopher D. DeSpain

Submissions from 2007


Comparative Antimalarial Activities of Six Pairs of 1,2,4,5-Tetraoxanes (Peroxide Dimers) and 1,2,4,5,7,8-Hexaoxonanes (Peroxide Trimers), Yuxiang Dong, Darren J. Creek, Jacques Chollet, Hughes Matile, Susan A. Charman, Sergio Wittlin, James K. Wood, and Jonathan L. Vennerstrom


Synthesis of the Giant Dielectric Constant Material CaCu3Ti4O12 by Wet-Chemistry Methods, Jianjun Liu, Robert W. Smith, and Wai-Ning Mei


Structure and Antiferroelectric Properties of Cesium Niobate, Cs2Nb4O11, Robert W. Smith, Chunhua Hu, Jianjun Liu, Wai-Ning Mei, and Kuan-Jiuh Lin

Submissions from 2006


CaCu3Ti4O12: Low-Temperature Synthesis by Pyrolysis of an Organic Solution, Jianjun Liu, Yucheng Sui, Chun-Gang Duan, Wai-Ning Mei, Robert W. Smith, and John R. Hardy


Orientational Disorder in Sodium Cadmium Trifluoride Trihydrate, NaCdF3·3H2O, Robert W. Smith, Arthur Mar, Jianjun Liu, Stan Schnell, and John R. Hardy

Submissions from 2005


Dielectric Properties and Maxwell-Wagner Relaxation of Compounds ACu3Ti4O12 (A=Ca,Bi2/3,Y2/3,La2/3), Jianjun Liu, Chun-Gang Duan, Wai-Ning Mei, Robert W. Smith, and John R. Hardy


Dispiro-1,2,4-trioxane Analogues of a Prototype Dispiro-1,2,4-trioxolane: Mechanistic Comparators for Artemisinin in the Context of Reaction Pathways with Iron(II), Yuanqing Tang, Yuxiang Dong, Xiaofang Wang, Kamaraj Sriraghavan, James K. Wood, and Jonathan L. Vennerstrom

Submissions from 2004


Evaluation of a Simple Carrier Molecule to Enhance Drug Penetration of Dermal Layers by Utilizing Multivariate Methods, Structure Property Correlations, and Continuous System Modeling, Ronald Bartzatt


Electrical properties and Raman Scattering Study of Single Crystal Cs2Nb4O11, Jianjun Liu, E. P. Kharitonova, Chun-Gang Duan, Wai-Ning Mei, Robert W. Smith, and John R. Hardy

Submissions from 2003


Utilizing Structure Property Correlations to Predict and Analyze Two Derivatives of an Ampicillin Homologous Series, C. Malesa, J. Stoddard, and Ronald Bartzatt

Submissions from 2002


Determination of barbituric acid, utilizing a rapid and simple colorimetric assay, Ronald Bartzatt


Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Phase Transition in AgNO3, Jianjun Liu, Chun-Gang Duan, M. M. Ossowski, Wai-Ning Mei, Robert W. Smith, and J. R. Hardy

Submissions from 2001


Dansylation of hydroxyl and carboxylic acid functional groups, Ronald Bartzatt

Submissions from 2000


Methyl-Substituted Dispiro-1,2,4,5-tetraoxanes:  Correlations of Structural Studies with Antimalarial Activity, Kevin J. McCollough, James K. Wood, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Yuxiang Dong, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, and Jonathan L. Vennerstrom


Synthesis and Antimalarial Activity of Sixteen Dispiro-1,2,4,5-tetraoxanes: Alkyl-Substituted 7,8,15,16-Tetraoxadispiro[]hexadecanes, Jonathan L. Vennerstrom, Yuxiang Dong, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Arba L. Ager Jr., Hong-Ning Fu, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, sheri M. Walters, James K. Wood, Geoffrey Edwards, Alexandra D. Holme, W. Graham McLean, and Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

Submissions from 1999


Synthesis and Antimalarial Activity of 11 Dispiro-1,2,4,5-tetraoxane Analogues of WR 148999. 7,8,15,16-Tetraoxadispiro[]hexadecanes Substituted at the 1 and 10 Positions with Unsaturated and Polar Functional Groups, Yuxiang Dong, F. Hoffmann-LaRoche Ltd., Jacques Chollet, Ronald Kaminsky, James K. Wood, and Jonathan L. Vennerstrom

Submissions from 1995


Cs2Ga2O(BO3)2, Robert W. Smith

Submissions from 1992


Dispiro- 1,2,4,5-tetraoxanes: A New Class of Antimalarial Peroxides, Jonathan L. Vennerstrom, Hong-Ning Fu, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Arba L. Ager Jr., James K. Wood, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, and Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

Submissions from 1990


Stress-Induced Infrared Frequency Shifts in Polyethylene, George A. Pfeffer and Donald W. Noid


Structure of Ba2Cu(BO3)2, Robert W. Smith and Douglas A. Keszler

Submissions from 1988


Computer Simulation of the Melting Process in Linear Macromolecules, Donald W. Noid, George A. Pfeffer, Stephen Z.D. Cheng, and Bernhard Wunderlich

Submissions from 1987


Applications of the Semiclassical Spectral Method to Nuclear, Atomic, Molecular, and Polymeric Dynamics, M. L. Koszykowski, George A. Pfeffer, and Donald W. Noid