Conference Proceedings and Presentations | UNO Sleep Research & Creative Activity Collection | University of Nebraska at Omaha


Events from 2018


Effect of Mindful Meditation and Gratitude Journaling on College Student Stress and Well-being Overtime, Stephanie N. Hines and Lisa L. Scherer

Events from 2017


An Exploration of Employment Factors that Facilitate or Hinder Working College Students’ Academic Success, Gabrielle M. Gergen and Lisa L. Scherer


College Student Experiences and Happiness: A Multi-Method Exploration, Stephanie Hines and Lisa L. Scherer


The Challenges of College: How Students Cope with Stress, Hilary L. Jenkins and Lisa L. Scherer


Postpartum Physical Activity and Sleep Levels in Overweight and Normal Weight Mothers, Shane Warehime

Submissions from 2015


Buffering Role of Perceptions of Work-Life Balance on the Relationship Between External Obligations and Health, Benedict J. Fern and Lisa Leahy Scherer

An Application of the Work-Demands Resources Model to Understanding Working College Student Outcomes, Savannah Hunter and Lisa L. Scherer

The Role of Poor Sleep Quality in Producing Incivility at Work Among Working College Students, Adam Thurley and Lisa L. Scherer

Events from 2014

An Analysis of Physical Activity as a Potential Moderator of Work-School Conflict on Sleep Quality, Incivility, and Caffeine Intake, Justin Barnes and Lisa L. Scherer

Resilience as a Moderator of Work-School Conflict on Daytime Sleepiness, Satisfaction, and General Well-Being, Sheridan Trent and Lisa L. Scherer

Events from 2013

Physical Activity as a Potential Moderator of Work-School Conflict on Incivility, Caffeine Intake and Sleep Quality, Justin Barnes and Lisa L. Scherer

Circadian Dysrhythmia and Long Term Flight, Lulu Ferdous

School-life conflict and its relationship to student well-being, Benedict Fern, L. Weivoda, and Lisa L. Scherer

Coping Skills as a Moderator of Work-School Conflict on the Effects of Sleep Duration, Mood State, and General Well-Being, Hanna Schleu and Lisa L. Scherer

Reviewing Resilience as a Possible Moderator of Work-School Conflict on Job Satisfaction, Excessive Daytime Sleepiness, and General Well-Being, Sheridan Trent and Lisa L. Scherer