Space and Defense

Table of Contents
Letter from the Editor...................................................................................................................... 5
by Dr. Michelle Black
A Great Nuclear Rejuvenation: What China can do with an Expanded Nuclear Arsenal................................................................................................. 7
by Grant Van Robays, SrA Chloe Reynolds, Lieutenant Will Jackson, and Major Tom Hammerle
Technology: The Air and Space Force's Barrier to
Innovation................................................................................................................... 22
by William F. Cosgrove
Addressing the American Approach to Emerging Technologies: Utilizing the AI Arms Race to Highlight the Need to Develop Public-Private Partnerships in C4ISR and 5G............................................................................................... 44
by Hugh Harsono and Nick Ondovcisk
Special Correspondence
Dr. Kori Schake Keynote Address................................................................................................................... 54
2022 U.S Strategic Deterrence and Assurance Academic Alliance Conference and Workshop, March 30-April 1, 2022
Student Contributions
US Blindness to Russian, Chinese Cultural Motives Risks Nuclear Escalation and Ill-Fit Response............................................................................................... 59
by Ryan C. Bushman (Utah State University)
Communicating Deterrence Thresholds in Cyberspace Through Global Norms............................................................................................... 70
by Leila Yanni (Purdue University)
Book Review: Spies, Lies, and Algorithms: The History and Future of American Intelligence............................................................................................... 81
Reviewed by Claire Benedix
Recommended Citation
"Space and Defense Journal Spring 2023 Vol. 14 Issue 1,"
Space and Defense: Vol. 14:
1, Article 1.
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